Fiesta Bo: Tom Hanks Treats His Crew to Langer’s Deli

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Bo Stevenson, best known among his peers as “Fiesta Bo” due to his choice of a lime-green Ford Fiesta as transportation, is the personal assistant to Academy Award-winning actor and director (and everyone’s favorite) Tom Hanks. Tom is directing his first feature since “That Thing You Do” entitled “Larry Crowne” and it’s Hanksian tradition to treat his crew to Langer’s Deli – so Bo documented the entire thing on his Flip Video as part of his campaign to capture his experience working on the film.

Langer’s wishes the best to the crew of “Larry Crowne” and sends a special thank you to Bo and Tom for their valued patronage.

And go see “Toy Story 3” by Disney/Pixar now, starring Tom Hanks!

[av_video src=’’ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′ av_uid=’av-1xffjk’]
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